Research within LCAPS
Find out about the research taking place within the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
Find out about the research taking place within the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
A limited number of additional guest tickets for graduation have become available for the ceremonies.
Read the oration for Peter Johnson on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
We’ve had many queries this week in relation to student access to Canvas courses.
The LJMU Virtual Global Citizens' Conference takes place 11-12 November 2020. Find out more about this LJMU event.
Gain a better understanding of the principles of palliative care relevant to generalist health and social care professionals so you deliver high quality care for all those approaching the end of their lives by studying this CPD course.
Learn more about the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre, the Centre's research groups, REF results and the impact of a new technique for measuring electron mobility.
Find out how to get in touch with The Football Exchange Woman's Network.
Find out more about the School of Sport and Exercise Science celebrations of diversity.
Get in touch with the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice.