Supporting plans for the LJMU strategy 2030
Find out more about how the university strategy is supported by a number of different thematic plans and enablers.
Find out more about how the university strategy is supported by a number of different thematic plans and enablers.
The School of Humanities and Social Science has a diverse range of courses within six key subject areas: English and Cultural History, Media, History, Culture and Communication, Policing Studies and Criminology and Sociology (Social Work and Social Policy).
Registration fees and information for Master Shipbuilding Management.
Established in 2022, the Centre for Modern and Contemporary History (CMCH) supports the research of LJMU's historians, strengthens our partnerships with museums and historical societies and creates opportunities for new collaborations with researchers and historical institutions locally, nationally and internationally.
Research within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is often published in high impact journals. Take a look at some of our most recent research papers.
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) works closely with local partners, often small and medium size company’s (SME’s) to ensure that important projects with a public benefit can be properly funded with help from European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF).
Jim was a Purser at Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Jim's interview.
The Public Health Institute delivers the intelligence and evidence to inform public health policy and practice.
Log into Symplectic. The Symplectic database provides a means for members of staff and postgraduate research students at LJMU to capture their publications and professional activities.
Copyright advice for LJMU students, researchers and staff.