PhD studies within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour
PhD students within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour are working on interesting projects including: investigating pain in autism, the impact of taste, and pain mechanisms.
PhD students within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour are working on interesting projects including: investigating pain in autism, the impact of taste, and pain mechanisms.
Find out more about the specific areas of expertise within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour, including: applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacology, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness.
Meet the research staff within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour and read their profiles to find out their specific areas of interest and expertise.
Find out about the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion areas of interest, collaborations and projects, and meet the research team.
The Public Health Institute is involved in some important research. Read our case studies to gain a good summary of the type of projects we're engaged in.
The Public Health Institute is involved in some important research. Read our case studies to gain a good summary of the type of projects we're engaged in.
As a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention, the Public Health Institute works to support effective violence prevention by helping partners understand the impacts of violence, identify risk groups, choose preventative measures and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
The Public Health Institute's data collection and monitoring systems support public health reporting. Our surveillance systems include: Integrated Monitoring System, Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group, HIV Surveillance and the Drug Interventions Programme.
The Institute for Health Research Children, Young People and Families 2024 Conference event aims to focus on evidence-led research and practice in supporting the health of children, young people, and families.
The School of Law has produced a varied portfolio of quality work within law. Find out more about this School.