Graduation review: Thursday 13 July 2017
Find out more about the fourth day of LJMU's 2017 Summer Graduation Ceremonies that were held at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 13 July.
Find out more about the fourth day of LJMU's 2017 Summer Graduation Ceremonies that were held at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 13 July.
Join us for our annual development programme for staff who supervise or are otherwise involved in supporting postgraduate researchers.
Join us for our annual development programme for staff who supervise or are otherwise involved in supporting postgraduate researchers.
Join us for our unique mini open day designed specifically for those who are interested in working in: Human resources Organisational development People management
Join us for our unique mini open day designed specifically for those who are interested in working in: Human resources Organisational development People management
Why maths is more than just numbers...
When you think about your own school days, you might have had a furry friend to keep you company in the classroom – maybe a school hamster, rabbit or guinea pig. But what about a school dog?
LJMU's Sport Psychology undergraduate course is a great first step for those aspiring to become a sport psychologist.
Over the past ten years, violence among young people involved in gangs has claimed hundreds of lives and dominated national debate in the UK.
Do you dream of a career in a rapidly-advancing field that helps families achieve parenthood? Are you considering becoming a Clinical Embryologist? Studying MSc Clinical Embryology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and Care Fertility is a great way to get there.