Check your funding if you changed university to LJMU
How new students can update your funding application if you originally planned to attend a different university.
How new students can update your funding application if you originally planned to attend a different university.
Each year applications are invited for the conferment of Professorships and Readerships and the process for 2019 is now open.
Liverpool John Moores University’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences is collaborating with ukactive, EdComs, Places for People Homes and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in a newly funded Sport England programme.
Liverpool John Moores University becomes Guardian of Liverpool Cathedral
The final Roscoe Lecture of LJMU’s Bicentenary year was met with a rousing standing ovation at St George’s Hall.
Russian journalists visited LJMU as part of a tour of UK education establishments, organised by the British Council.
Liverpool John Moores University provides internships for students from our Law School within our Legal and Governance Services.
Read more about the lecture delivered by Chief Constable of Lancashire Steve Finnigan CBE QPM.
LJMU academics contribute much to the success of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Staff and students observed a two-minute silence across campus to mark Armistice Day.