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  1. The history of Elder Dempster Lines

    Read more about the history of Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.

  2. Interview techniques

    This briskly-paced session is aimed at providing an overview of the most important aspects to consider when preparing for an interview.

  3. Accessibility around LJMU

    Access information for the LJMU campus and our buildings and libraries around the Liverpool city centre.

  4. Website disclaimer

    Every effort is made to ensure that information contained on this website is accurate and up-to-date, however, this information is subject to change without notice and the University can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information presented at any given time.

  5. Obi Okeke

    Obi Okeke was Third Mate for Elder Dempster Lines. In his interview, Obi talks about why he joined Elder Demspter Lines, about his time at the University of Southampton and what it was like on board in bad weather conditions.

  6. Ray Donker

    Ray Donker was Chief Mate with Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Ray Donker's interview