Library news
News, events and developments from around Library Services.
News, events and developments from around Library Services.
Meet the Outreach Team of Liverpool John Moores University.
The Forensic Research Institute is a research and training organisation with expertise in aspects of evidence collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. We have a proven track record of impact in assisting criminal justice agencies in crime-prevention, police work, the preparation of cases, victim identification, victim and witness support and much more.
Our research is applicable to clinical and sport and exercise biomechanics. Our focus includes: musculo-skeletal growth and development, gait analysis, virtual rehabilitation, postural stability, footwear biomechanics, and artificial neural networks.
Find out more about members of the Biomechanics Research Group.
Read publications from members of the Biomechanics Research Group.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches, and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
Find out more about research projects undertaken by the Biomechanics Research Group.
International Women's Day