To Dream, Plan and Achieve
Graduation Week
Graduation Week
Election of a new Teaching member of staff to the Board of Governors
Andrew Davies, who is in his second year studying a Sport and Exercise Science degree, has completed his mission to raise £150,000 to pay back the hospital which saved his life six years ago.
Final year undergraduate students have raised over £5,000 in just two weeks for Claire House Children’s Hospice by completing the National Student Survey.
Every year we award a range of scholarships from £1,000 to £5,000 that don't need to be paid back!
P60s for the tax year 2023-24 (ending 5 April 2024) are now available on Staff Infobase.
Student Laura Dye, 32, has coached Rebecca Roberts to victory as placed second at the Arnold Strongwoman Competition in Ohio, USA.
Chancellor Nisha Katona MBE has shared the key ingredients for success with LJMU students and staff: grace, intelligence and graft. She shared her insights at the second Roscoe Lecture series event of LJMU’s Bicentenary year at St George’s Hall.
Local school children have visited University College London (UCL) as part of an LJMU widening access programme. Access All Areas is an initiative from LJMU’s Outreach team which arranged the first university exchange for year 11 pupils.
During week commencing Monday 3 February 2020, LJMU will be taking part in National Student Money Week. The theme for this year is 'Spend Healthy, Live Healthy: Sustainable Money' and during the week we will focus on reducing waste and saving money.