LJMU share AI insight at school technology day
Staff from LJMU’s Horizons project arranged a talk on AI for Year 10 pupils from Liverpool Life Sciences UTC.
Staff from LJMU’s Horizons project arranged a talk on AI for Year 10 pupils from Liverpool Life Sciences UTC.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Workshops 2020 - 2021
Two Liverpool Screen School academics, Dr Rex Li and Andrew McMillan have been appointed to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College.
Directed Study Week is an exciting programme of workshops and webinars designed to help students study more effectively and get better results.
Staff and students from across Outreach, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies and Faculty of Science joined forces with neurodiverse learners to celebrate Chemistry Week 2023.
The discovery of a new species of human relative has shed light on the origins and diversity of our origins.
LJMU Nautical Science graduate Robert Bellis has been named Maritime & Coastguard Agency Trainee Officer of the Year 2016, receiving his award from Shipping Minister John Hayes MP.
LJMU's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team are proud to be working in partnership with Subject Matter Expert; GenderSpace and are pleased to offer LJMU/JMSU Staff the opportunity to participate in a virtual, half day (three hour) Transgender Awareness Workshop.
ARI researcher on BBC News to describe the search for the beginning of the Universe.
Liverpool's famous games industry is to get a boost from experts at Liverpool John Moores University as it hosts the first industry networking event