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  1. Take charge of your pension

    This Pension Awareness Week (11-15 September) access free, impartial, and straightforward pension information, as well as a series of live sessions.

  2. New corporate charities

    We are delighted to announce our two new Corporate Charities - Claire House Children's Hospice and The Girls Network.

  3. New mental wellbeing peer support

    We have a new team in place to help support any member of staff with their mental wellbeing. The LJMU Connectors are on hand to provide peer support and make sure colleagues have access to the appropriate resources and services.

  4. Are we alone? Professor Monica Grady delivers latest Roscoe lecture

    Are we alone? Is there the possibility of life elsewhere beyond the earth? This was the subject of a fascinating lecture on the cosmos and the universe in the latest Roscoe lecture at St Georges Hall, delivered by Monica Grady, Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences at the Open University (OU)

  5. New entrepreneur discovery competition

    LJMU is hosting the local heat of a new entrepreneur discovery competition, open to all University alumni and students. The Federation of Self-Employed and Small Businesses and FSB Connect are running the competition to give budding entrepreneurs a financial boost and raise their profile.