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  1. Health and Wellbeing Research Theme

    Research interests within the Health and Wellbeing Research Theme focuses on the psychological aspects of illness, health and healthcare delivery. We're interested in preventative health and behavioural medicine. Find out more about our work by viewing our current projects, collaborations, learning programmes and publications.

  2. Cognition, Education and Language Research Theme

    The Cognition, Education and Language Research Theme looks into the factors, processes and mechanisms involved in language and education. Find out more about our areas of expertise, our partnerships and collaborations, and browse through our publications.

  3. Neuroscience Research Theme

    The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Research Group is concerned with the mechanisms underlying cognitive and emotional behaviour and the disruption of these processes by drugs, ageing, atypical development or disease. Find out about our expertise, collaborations, facilities, publications and learning opportunities within the group.

  4. Outdoor Education Research Group

    Within the Outdoor Education Research Group we work with a range of outdoor-related organisations. Our expertise includes outdoor leadership, environmental education and expeditions. Find out more about what we work on and who we work with.

  5. Nutrition and Health

    Within the Nutrition and Health Research Group, we deliver meaningful research which examines the relationships between food, nutrition and health. Our expertise includes: nutritional science, nutrition and public health, physical activity and health; and food quality. Find out more about our specific areas of interest and meet the researchers.

  6. Faculty of Science Pedagogic Research Group

    The Faculty of Science Pedagogic Research Group is interested in education-related research within sciences and beyond. The group consists of academic staff from three science Schools and service teams with the Faculty and Registry.