Digital and creative industries reap rewards of LJMU ‘Activate’ scheme
A business support scheme to connect digital and creative firms with academic and sector experts has received glowing feedback.
A business support scheme to connect digital and creative firms with academic and sector experts has received glowing feedback.
LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.
Daniel Perley and collaborators describe only third Black Hole 'tidal event' on astronomical record in the journal Nature
Find out more about LJMU's partnership with Southern Connecticut State University and two recent international field trips
LJMU has received a £5 million share of HEFCE’s £200 million funding scheme to support an increase in high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students.
The difference between the fates of ordinary people and criminals is ‘paper thin’, as demonstrated by a new exhibition of composite facial images of 19th Century and 21st Century criminals.
Mexico football manager and LJMU alumnus, Juan Carlos Osorio, recently led his team to victory against Germany in their first World Cup match, highlighting his career-shaping time on LJMU’s Science and Football programme as it celebrates 20 years of world-leading sports education.
"Partnership with industry is key to addressing climate change"
Aaron Scarth's campaign for rights of children of prisoners dovetails with research in LJMU's School of Education and Screen School
Undergraduates volunteer to advise people who cannot afford legal costs