Paying council tax as a student
Find out everything you need to know about paying council tax as a student at Liverpool John Moores University.
Find out everything you need to know about paying council tax as a student at Liverpool John Moores University.
See the LJMU Principles of Partnership.
By being a Disability Confident employer, Liverpool John Moores University is being recognised by going the extra mile in ensuring disabled people get a fair change in recruitment, promotions and any other opportunities.
Liverpool John Moores University is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011. Under the Charities Act 2011, universities are supervised by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as principal regulator, which is charged with ensuring that universities fulfil their obligations under Charity law.
Professor Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University.
In 2022, Liverpool John Moores University renewed their Diversity Champions membership, to ensure the continuation of our LGBTQI+ staff feeling free to be themselves and to continue the work to increase the feeling of belongingness.
Student governor
Many of our graduates go on to achieve great things. There's a wide range of notable alumni from entrepreneurs and business leaders to sporting heroes and award-winning figures from the arts and entertainment industry. Find out about a few of them.
This is a free-access learning resource that is hosted by the School of Humanities and Social Science at Liverpool John Moores University, and is inspired by a new version of Chamber Music, a book of poems published by Joyce in 1907. These pages provide video commentary on both the poetic and musical aspects of Chamber Music, as well as video performances of all thirty-six of the newly composed versions.
Get in touch with the Faces of Merseyside project via Face Lab.