Understanding time may be the key to the race against climate change - Dr Ruth Ogden, reader in experimental psychology
Dr Ruth Ogden, reader in experimental psychology, Liverpool John Moores University writes in The Conversation
Dr Ruth Ogden, reader in experimental psychology, Liverpool John Moores University writes in The Conversation
A statement on the riots that have taken place across Liverpool and the UK
Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.
July marks the celebration of Disability Pride month. An opportunity to raise awareness and have positive conversations about disability in study and the workplace.
At a time when COVID 19 has made people fearful, isolated or alone, Jeff Youngs new book, Ghost Town, offers not only a fascinating read but also a reflection on all those things that are important to us, our families, friends and communities. Its a deeply felt and beautifully written journey through Jeffs Liverpool childhood, the adult writer stalking Liverpool alone or with friends, searching for a past lost, regained, remembered so viscerally that the reader feels intimately connected to the child Jeff longing to leave the hospital where hes had his tonsils removed or to the older man out walking with writer friend, Horatio Clare, in search of de Quincey in Everton.
LJMU academics work alongside artist to create a board game that brings the experiences of life on probation to the general public.
Our Money Advice Team answers how to reduce bills, how to stop condensation and what is the fair usage cap.
From Guantanamo to Xinjiang, from India to Europe, governments globally appear increasingly willing to detain citizens and migrants on suspicion rather than evidence.
Employment experts Gemma Dale and Matthew Tucker argue the case for hybrid working in The Conversation
Looking after your health is important when living away from home.