How we can use light to fight bacteria
This research could provide an answer to some of the problems posed by antibiotic resistance
This research could provide an answer to some of the problems posed by antibiotic resistance
Why maths is more than just numbers...
Two Sport Psychology students share their experiences of their field trip to Manchester United training ground and the English Institute of Sport.
Struggling to write a personal statement to support your university application? Our in-house expert, Andrew Cooper, shows you how to approach this essential document.
Do you dream of a career in a rapidly-advancing field that helps families achieve parenthood? Are you considering becoming a Clinical Embryologist? Studying MSc Clinical Embryology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and Care Fertility is a great way to get there.
Got money on the mind? Here are some student spending tips...
Prescription drugs pregabalin and gabapentin have been reclassified – but it won’t stop problem use
Have you ever stopped to think how essential electricity is in our lives? Graduates who studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at LJMU tell us what the world would be like without it. Be afraid, be very afraid!
Second year LLB Law student Poppy shares what she learnt away from the lecture theatre about legal history during a visit to Lancaster.
Chloe Thomas and Kara McDougall talk about their experiences as women in the engineering sector.