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  1. Research labs - Institute of Art and Technology

    The Institute of Art and Technology focuses on the following themes: contemporary art, 3D digital art, the uses of art, exhibitions and curatorship, as well as design discourse and practice.

  2. Liverpool LASER

    Liverpool LASER is part of the worldwide series of free LASER Talks sponsored by Leonardo the International Society for Arts, Sciences, and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST).

  3. Liverpool School of Art and Design

    The Liverpool School of Art and Design has been valuing innovation and enterprise since 1825. Today, our community of artists, designers, illustrators and architects deliver cutting-edge programmes, produce high-impact research and work alongside some of the world’s most iconic cultural leaders.

  4. Libraries in a Digital World

    The Libraries in a Digital World project explores how and in what ways digitisation is changing the role of libraries and how their design might evolve in the future in response.

  5. Exhibition Research Lab

    The Exhibition Research Lab is the first centre devoted to the study of exhibitions. We have ties with Tate Liverpool, the Liverpool Biennial, as well as six major European museums and a network of arts institutions. Find out more about the Lab's collaborations and projects.

  6. Centre for Port and Maritime History

    The Centre for the Port and Maritime History focuses on port cities and examines their relationship to maritime ventures and enterprise. Research examines: urban history, British merchant marine advertising, Liverpool and the British Empire in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries.