Centre for Port and Maritime History

The Centre for Port and Maritime History (CPMH) is a collaborative venture between Liverpool John Moores University, the Maritime Museum and the University of Liverpool. These pages document the work of the LJMU Research Group of CPMH and it should be stressed here that the Centre also draws on expertise from staff at the University of Liverpool and the Maritime Museum, as well as from our visiting research fellows and board members working in other UK HEIs and beyond, in the heritage, media and transport sectors. Please see the overarching CPMH website [https://centreforportandmaritimehistory.wordpress.com/] for details of the activities of the Centre as a whole.    

Launched in 1996, CPMH began as a partnership between the University of Liverpool and the Maritime Museum and, now with LJMU, the Centre continues to further and facilitate historical research on port cities and their relationship to maritime endeavour and enterprise. The Centre hosts a range of events throughout the year including the annual Mike Stammers Memorial Lecture in spring, the Peter N. Davies Seminar in the fall and our annual conference in September. Please visit the Events pages for further details of forthcoming and past events.

Visit our People and Expertise pages, as well as our current and past Projects pages, to learn more about the work of the LJMU CPMH Research Group.

In collaboration with Liverpool University Press, the Centre has recently launched a book series, Studies in Port and Maritime History, edited by current CPMH Co-Director, Prof. Nick White (LJMU) and former Co-Director, Prof. Andrew Popp (Copenhagen Business School).

If you would like to stay up-to-date with our latest news and events, please contact Dr Simon Hill to join our Port Studies mailing list.

Contact staff from the Centre for Port and Maritime History

If you’d like to ask a question or find out more about information about this Group, please contact the team using the details below.

Contact: Professor Nick White

Email: n.j.white@ljmu.ac.uk

Call: +44 (0)151-231-5095


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80-98 Mount Pleasant
L3 5UZ

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