Search the LJMU website

  1. Student and Graduate case studies

    Explore LJMU careers case studies featuring students and graduates from every school. They include internships, placements, volunteering, and graduate roles.

  2. Consumer information

    As LJMU is a participating institution in the William D. Ford Federal Direction Loan Programme, we are obligated to provide some consumer information in relation to financial aid for U.S. students.

  3. JMSU - Your Students' Union

    The John Moores Students' Union (JMSU) helps you to get the most out of student life. Find out how you can join a club or society, get impartial academic advice, find employment opportunities or represent your fellow students.

  4. Exam self-care tips

    It doesn't matter how long you study for, if you don't look after yourself then your exam performance may be affected.