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  1. Establishing a vacancy and vacancy approval

    A vacancy may arise for a number of reasons, such as staff resignation, retirement or a new post (either temporary or permanent) may be required due to taking on new projects or responsibilities.

  2. Expenses Policy and Procedure

    On occasions, staff incur expenses, most often in relation to travel, and they are entitled to reimbursement. The University will reimburse actual and reasonable business related expenditure in accordance with the maximum rates specified within the Inland Revenue dispensation.

  3. Offers and pre-employment checks

    Following interviews, the successful candidate should be contacted verbally to confirm the outcome of the interview and confirm that a formal offer will be issued by the HR department.

  4. Luminary Lecture Series

    Read more about the Luminary Lecture Series at Liverpool School of Art and Design. The Series presents the work of leading practitioners in art and design.