Postgraduate Fairytale Ending
Postgraduate Fairytale Ending
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Share your knowledge and support fellow LJMU graduates by offering industry insights and helping them navigate the workplace.
Find out more about studying for a CIPD L5 standards People Management and Practice at LJMU. Apply now to take the next steps towards your future.
Habi was born in the Gambia but spent most of her formative years in Germany before moving to the UK. She has overcome the obstacles and discrimination that she faced throughout her childhood and teenage years in Germany, to seek out her own opportunities, to educate herself and to work with others to challenge unconscious bias and promote inclusivity.
Liverpool Business School
Help with remote access and working from home.
Explore a variety of Decolonising the Curriculum (DTC) examples and resources from both inside and beyond LJMU.
Rachael is the winner of the Rose Paterson Sportswoman Community Award 2023 for her dedication to the sport of netball in Liverpool. Not only is she an inspiring community sports coach she juggles teaching and being a mum alongside her own development, having most recently gained an MPhil with LJMU.
Quick guide to graduation day - what you need to know about the graduation ceremony.