Search the LJMU website

  1. Public Health Institute

    The Public Health Institute delivers the intelligence and evidence to inform public health policy and practice.

  2. Library skills

    How to find library resources and reference them in your work.

  3. Drugs

    Public Health Institute provides insight into drug use. We support evidence based drugs policy through epidemiology, monitoring, evidence review, intervention evalution and research.

  4. Prozone Sports

    Discover the Knowledge Transfer Partnership project that LJMU worked on with Prozone Sports.

  5. Accounting and Finance for Society Research Group

    The Accounting and Finance Research Group will be located in the Business School. It will be mainly conducted within five research themes, Accounting and Society, Financial Stability, Sustainability, FinTech and Accounting Education.

  6. Bursaries and scholarships

    Learn about the bursaries and scholarships offered by Liverpool John Moores University to support students during their degree.

  7. Time and talent

    Share your knowledge and support fellow LJMU graduates by offering industry insights and helping them navigate the workplace.