Performance Indicators and Benchmarking
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Read our frequently asked questions.
FORENSIC AESTHETIC is a research project led by James Frieze that facilitates conversation about forensic aesthetics by bringing together artists, academics and activists across institutional separation of science from art.
Find out more about LJMU’s Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) which is currently used for managing interactions in relation to Admissions, Student Recruitment, International Enquiries, Careers and Student Advice & Wellbeing, and aims to create a single repository of all interactions with students throughout the entire student lifecycle, from enquiry through to alumni.
LJMU has a strong commitment to data quality and recognises the importance of high quality, timely and reliable data and information to support good decision-making at all levels.
To mark the movement of the School of Education to the Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies (APSS) this blog post highlights the practice of Sarah Tickle from the School of Justice Studies and her use of Microsoft Sway.
Read through our list of useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.
Environmental Management
Academic Planning and Information Services are responsible for the collation of data and the production of timely, valid and accurate student number related statutory returns required by government agencies.
A comprehensive list of checks that Sitecore publisher's must comply with before publishing to the LJMU website.