Search the LJMU website

  1. IT upgrades coming your way

    During the summer, IT services will be delivering an upgrade to Microsoft Office and Google Chrome will become the default browser.

  2. Extra Security is coming – Get Ready!

    LJMU will soon be bringing in additional security to protect everyone’s data, with the introduction of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to some online services.

  3. What's going on in Liverpool in 2022?

    Being a student in the UKs most exciting city means you get access to a range of events happening right on your doorstep. So, what is coming up in 2022, in our city and at LJMU?

  4. Discovery of a New Galaxy in Cosmic Neighbourhood

    Astronomers, including Professor Maurizio Salaris from the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University, used the Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the globular star cluster NGC 6752 (located 13,000 light-years away in our Milky Way's halo).