Foreign payments
Foreign payments information
Foreign payments information
Professor Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience
There is a recent flipped learning case study on the University of Sussex TEL blog. Sussex have recently introduced Panopto and also use Canvas so you may find this interesting and useful.
A vacancy may arise for a number of reasons, such as staff resignation, retirement or a new post (either temporary or permanent) may be required due to taking on new projects or responsibilities.
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Discover the funding options available for postgraduate research students at Liverpool John Moores University and whether you are eligible to apply.
View the policies that fall under the LJMU Health and Safety Codes of Practice.
The Chancellor Nisha Katona MBE is Chancellor of LJMU.
Register of Interests
Qualitative Analysis in Action provides open access to interviews undertaken with inspirational women of Nepal. Read the interviews and find out more about the project.