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  1. IT Services

    Driven by committed IT professionals, IT Services team deliver excellent, transformative customer focused IT services, supporting our students and staff in achieving LJMU's strategic goals.

  2. DisSPA events

    The DisSPA network aims to provide a transdisciplinary space to connect members and allies who advocate for, and collaborate to, enhance the provision of more inclusive and empowering sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disability.

  3. Careers - School of Justice Studies

    The School of Justice Studies at LJMU aims to produce critically minded and employable graduates, who are able to make a significant contribution to their chosen profession on completion of their studies.

  4. Criminology - School of Justice Studies

    Our Criminology degree programme at LJMU takes our students on a thought provoking and engaging critical exploration of the institutions which make up the criminal justice system.

  5. RISES services

    The Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences work with external partners in the sport and exercise realm. We offer public engagement services through 'Face to Face' as well as research and consultancy services within our areas of expertise.

  6. Complex Mental Health Needs Project

    This project aims to inform the development of improved service models for people with complex mental health needs and is led by researchers at Liverpool John Moores University in collaboration with Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

  7. Visitors

    Library services for external visitors including Sconul Access and members of the public.

  8. Service standards

    How we measure the library services we provide and the latest published standards.