Merdzana Obralic Cibiz
Liverpool Business School
Liverpool Business School
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Nursing and Allied Health
Public and Allied Health
School of Education
Research within the Contexts of Human Evolution Group involves archaeological, palaeontological and environmental analyses of human evolution. Our research focuses on mammalian evolution, hominin behaviour and ecology, and patterns of faunal and floral distribution. Discover our research areas and current projects, facilities, collaborations, publications and people.
Find out more information about the application process for undergraduate study with us.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Within the Nursing Research Group, our health and social care research is helping to transform people's lives for the better. Our expertise includes: technology in healthcare, specific topics relevant to children, young people and families; the outcomes of health and social care education, healthcare delivery, and resilience in modern living. Find out about our current collaborations and projects.