Student information System security and access
Find out more about Security and requesting access to the student information system.
Find out more about Security and requesting access to the student information system.
Stay connected to LJMU. Find out how to register as an alumnus and how it can benefit your career.
Legal Status
Positive Action are programmes and initiatives which LJMU and other organisations can take to address the under representation of communities in the workplace.
Staff expense claims should be made through the iExpense system, this is an on-line system for claiming travel and subsistence expenses, including mileage.
Leadership and Management Development Programme
Policies relating to LJMU's Academic Misconduct: Academic Appeals Form, Academic Appeals Guidance, Academic Misconduct Panel Proforma, Academic Misconduct Panel Protocol, Academic Misconduct Policy, Criminal Convictions, Guidance notes for students, Hearing Protocol, Protocol for investigating officers, Student Complaint form, Student complaints procedure.
Dr Kay Standing and Dr Sara Parker are currently completing a British Academy Small Grant Project on re-usable sanitary towel projects, assessing their wider impact on women's health and wellbeing in Nepal. Find out more about this research.
Quick guide to graduation day - what you need to know about the graduation ceremony.
A-Z of Employment Policies and Guidelines and Forms