My International Tourism Management placement year in North Carolina
Blog from Campbell Macintosh-Watson, BA (hons) International Tourism Management student on his placement year in North Carolina, USA.
Blog from Campbell Macintosh-Watson, BA (hons) International Tourism Management student on his placement year in North Carolina, USA.
We talk to Professor Andy Newsam, Director of the National Schools’ Observatory, about the Apollo 11 Moon landing and learn some interesting facts about the Moon along the way.
Six scientists share their supplement recommendations.
Post-match analysis on the World Cup game between Colombia and England from Science and Football students.
Science and Football students give their post-match analysis of the Croatia and England game of the World Cup.
Six scientists, including LJMU Professor of Human Physiology Graeme Close, on the supplements they take every day and why they take them
Working out how much you can afford can be difficult. Our Money Advice Team are here to help you look after your wallet and your mental health.
Despite being illegal, chhaupadi, the practice of exiling menstruating women and girls from their home – often to a cow shed – is still practised in some areas of Western Nepal. Chhaupadi is an extreme example of the stigmas and restrictions around menstruation that exist not only in Nepal, but also globally.
The value of a university education has been a hot topic for some time. We look at the benefits to doing a degree - why it's a valuable investment in the professional and personal future of students.
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.