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  1. Xiaoxiao Liu

    Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering

  2. Liverpool Film Seminar

    The Liverpool Film Seminar is a series of talks. Every year, leading scholars present their film studies research. A range of genres, topics and approaches are celebrated, from Batman to Bardot, from historical reach to the internet’s impact on cinematic material.

  3. Baoxiu Qi

    School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

  4. Accounting Clinic

    Enhance your accounting skills with LJMU's Accounting Clinic, providing hands-on training and real client interactions for aspiring accountants.

  5. Phytochemistry and Phytotherapy

    The Centre for Natural Products Discovery is concerned with preventing and curing disease. Find out about all aspects of phytochemical and phytotherapy research, as well as some modernised aspects of pharmacognosy.

  6. Lord Hall

    Read the oration for Lord Hall on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  7. Nick Hall

    Nick is a chef turned schoolteacher turned philanthropist who credits the care and guidance he received from his lecturers at LJMU as the inspiration for his own teaching career and charitable endeavours.

  8. Emma Ball

    School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

  9. Zaili Yang

    Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering