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  1. Prepare for learning and studying

    Whether you are studying at university for the first time or returning as a postgraduate student, our academic staff are here to ensure you have an amazing teaching and learning experience.

  2. EDIR resources for our students

    If you would like to contribute to or participate in any EDIR initiatives, including becoming a member of our EDIR Panel please contact  Dr Tori Sprung.

  3. MyLJMU

    The My LJMU app gives you quick and easy access to vital LJMU services including My Timetable, See My Tutor, My Services, My Results, Free PC and a range of others.

  4. School of Education

    The School of Education is a dynamic and diverse group of people who share a deep commitment to the investigation and enhancement of educational experiences of individuals, families and communities in a wide range of settings and in collaboration with many different partners.

  5. Population health

    The Public Health Institute provides the expertise to inform the delivery and development of interventions and services to those programmes that address food, physical activity, women's health, health of refugees and asylum seekers, mental health and employment.

  6. Tobacco

    The Public Health Institute investigates interventions with the aim of reducing tobacco use. We look at the relationship between smoking behaviours and demographics, income, parental smoking, leisure activities and alcohol consumption.

  7. Research Groups - Centre for Educational Research

    Expertise within the Centre for Educational Research spans the following topics: school leadership, children's development, technology in education, sports and outdoor education, teacher's professional development, STEM education, and the theory and politics of education.

  8. Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour facilities

    The Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour has dedicated facilities including: EEG, psychophysiology, appetite research and neuroscience microneurography laboratories plus experimental testing booths and a sleep-over rest room. We also share a number of facilities with other science departments within the University.