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  1. Alumni stories

    Read the stories of alumni, students and lecturers, find out about our research and interests, delve into our subjects, learn more about Liverpool and discover what makes LJMU a great place to study.

  2. Accessibility around LJMU

    Access information for the LJMU campus and our buildings and libraries around the Liverpool city centre.

  3. SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

    LJMU is working to promote sustainable, and equitable, economic growth. Through our work with businesses across the region, we’re supporting innovation to create low carbon goods, processes and services with international reach. On campus, our Accounting, Business and Law Clinics are providing students with valuable work experience while supporting the productivity of the wider community.

  4. SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities

    LJMU plays an important role in supporting the sustainability of the Liverpool City Region. We’ve worked hard to champion green and sustainable travel through the Smart Green Journey app and our Sustainable Green Travel Corridors initiative. Collaborations with industry has also seen the development of cutting-edge road surfaces. We’re stiving to achieve net zero by 2035, in line with the United Nations goal to reduce warming by 1.5°C.

  5. SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production

    At LJMU we’re changing the way we consume and produce goods to ensure an increased focus on sustainability. The concept of sustainability has influenced our curriculum, with students having the opportunity to learn about sustainable production in existing modules. Our research and knowledge exchange efforts have also helped to revolutionise material production as far afield as Bangladesh and the Philippines.

  6. SDG 13 - Climate action

    We’re committed to protecting our environment and supporting a sustainable future for our students and the global community. On campus, we launched the UK’s first undergraduate degree on climate change and have revamped our buildings to reduce carbon emissions. Globally, used ground-breaking research to tackle peat fires in Indonesia and we’ve delivered flood resilience workshops in Cumbria.

  7. Getting it right: My Name

    Making sure you refer to someone by the correct name (during face-to-face interactions or in written format such as emails), can make a world of difference and demonstrates your dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion.

  8. Social media

    Information for new students on how to keep safe and be responsible using social media.