Search the LJMU website

  1. Local green spaces

    Find out more about LJMU green spaces, a series of projects taking place across the University with both staff and student involvement.

  2. His Honour Dr David Lynch

    Dr Lynch has been part of the fabric of the university for over 50 years, as a student, as a lecturer, as the Liaison Judge for the School of Law, as an Honorary Fellow, a mature student and Visiting Research Fellow.

  3. Education courses

    Find out more about education related courses including undergraduate and postgraduate routes into teaching (PGDE with QTS, School Direct).

  4. Research in the School of Psychology

    Research is a key priority for the School of Psychology. We collaborate with academics across the world. FInd out more about the research the School of PSychology at LJMU undertakes.

  5. Results So Far

    Find out about the research areas within the Being Lean and Seen project, based in the Liverpool Business School.

  6. Speaker profiles:

    Pledge to contribute to nurturing and inspiring to drive Advanced Practice forward.