Speaker profiles:
Raphaela Kane
Pro Vice Chancellor HEA Faculty of Heath, LJMU.
Contact: R.Kane@ljmu.ac.uk
Rosie McCarthy
My journey into Advanced Practice began in 1998 after completing my MSc in Clinical nursing and progressing into an advanced practitioner role. Moving into unchartered waters, there seemed to be multiple drivers for this role development, including shortages of medical staff following reduction of doctors’ clinical time, changing healthcare needs of the population, continuity and quality of care. Since this time, the advanced practice agenda has continued to evolve, to meet the challenges of a modern day health care. I have been fortunate to experience advanced practice from a clinical and educational progression, and in a current position of leadership as interim head of advanced practice at Liverpool John Moores University, I have been able to scope and develop the Multi-Professional Advanced Practice curriculum.
I am a highly motivated and enterprising individual, with over 30 years-experience in the NHS and higher education. My career trajectory to date has provided the opportunity to draw upon previous clinical experience and design curriculums with patient safety at the heart of the agenda. My personal practice is characterised by meticulous attention to detail and I am frequently, cited as an exemplar of best practice. In 2019, I achieved the vice chancellors award for academic leadership ‘recognition of distinction’. I believe my contribution to managing high quality education delivery is highly valued, working with a team of staff who demonstrate excellence and commitment. I have proven ability of leadership and vision to create a working environment that is stimulating, collegial and empowers staff to be creative and effective, evidenced by the many curriculum advances I have led.
1998, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MSc Clinical Nursing
Academic appointments:
Head of Advanced Practice and Post Registration Education (Interim), Nursing and Allied Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Postgraduate training:
Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), 2003 – 2004
Contact: R.McCarthy@ljmu.ac.uk
Deepak Agnihotri
Advanced Practice Training Programme Director – Learning Disabilities and Autism
Faculty of Advanced Practice – Learning disabilities and Autism
Health Education England North West
Allied Health Professions BAME Strategic Advisor @NHS England and NHS Improvement
Advanced Clinical Practitioner / Lead Physiotherapist (Independent Prescriber)
I am a Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC) registered Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) with extensive experience of working in the National Health Service (NHS). I am passionate about quality improvement and clinical leadership provided by advanced clinical practitioners to provide innovative and person-centered care to people, meeting the needs of all our communities. I am the first independent prescriber – advanced clinical practitioner physiotherapist in the UK who is using prescribing skills and knowledge to help people with Dementia and Learning disabilities. I have the wide-ranging experience of working in acute, community, mental health and learning disabilities services. It’s been a fascinating and a very complicated journey from being an international student to being advanced clinical practitioner.
I work strategically at the local, regional, and national level in collaboration with other stakeholders and professional bodies to make a positive impact demonstrating the value of the role of advance practitioner. I have led on the project of ethical and sustainable international recruitment of Allied Health Professionals at Health Education England.
I have been working as the BAME Allied Health Professions Strategic advisor at NHS England and Improvement. I have now taken on a leadership role and as Chair of Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) + network now called Diversity Alliance Network. I am honoured to have been awarded for outstanding contribution in October 2020 to the work of Equality, diversity, and inclusion from the Royal College of Nursing Northwest in celebration of Black History Month 2020. I utilise all this experience in continuing culture of openness and honesty to demonstrate that diverse leadership is critical to a thriving NHS.
As Training Programme Director for advancing practice, I am supporting trainee advanced practitioners and colleagues from diverse ethnicities to become successful advance practitioners working across 4 pillars – Clinical, Leadership, Education and Research.
I love travelling, running, swimming, and spending time with my family.
Contact: deepak.agnihotri@hee.nhs.uk Twitter: @agnideepak
Ms Susan Baker RN, MSc, PGCE, FHEA
Senior Lecturer, Advanced practice
Susan, originally from Liverpool, completed pre-registration training in 1987 and has subsequently held numerous positions as staff nurse and sister within the Acute Medical and Critical Care departments, culminating in the appointment as Medical Nurse Clinician in 1999. At this time the Medical Nurse Clinician role was seen as a pioneering role, which aimed to facilitate the management of acutely unwell medical patients. Susan was an integral member of the acute medical on call team, her role was to independently clerk-in medical patients, perform a full clinical examination, to order then interpret a wide variety of diagnostic tests and develop an evidence based individual management plan, as an Independent and Supplementary Prescriber Susan was also able to prescribe appropriate medication.
In 2002 Susan joined the LJMU faculty as a Senior Lecturer/Practitioner, as part of the Advanced Practice Team. Her main portfolio related to the development and delivery of a multi professional Advanced Clinical Practice Master’s Degree and a variety of Continual Professional Development (CPD) Master’s modules relating to Clinical Examination, Clinical Diagnostics, Pathophysiology and Non-Medical Prescribing. Susan also embedded simulation, human factors, A.L.E.R.T. and resuscitation skills within the undergraduate nursing programmes. Susan also led the development of LJMU faculty of Health becoming a British Resuscitation Council Training centre and is currently the Director for Intermediate Life Support (ILS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) programmes.
Since 2009 Susan has been Senior Lecturer, Advanced practice at LJMU developing her portfolio, in conjunction with Professor Paul O’Toole led the national education programme for Specialist Bowel Cancer Screening Practitioners (SSP) for England. The widespread stakeholder engagement required within this role and close collaborative partnership with the Mersey School of Endoscopy, led in 2016 LJMU to be successfully selected Health Education England to deliver the Accelerated Clinical Endoscopist Programme. Since then LJMU have spearheaded the development of Diagnostic Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD), the Flexible Sigmoidoscopy & Polypectomy level 1 and Colonoscopy Polypectomy level 2 Training Programmes. To support this advanced practice initiative Susan also led the development of a new Endoscopy Simulation Laboratory within LJMU. The aim of this new resource is to underpin the theoretical component of the academic modules with the ability to test, challenge and support student’s technical and non-technical endoscopy skills within a safe learning environment.
Susan was a pivotal member of the stakeholder group which were awarded the Health Education England Regional Endoscopy Academy bid in 2021 and is heading the LJMU contribution to the collaborative education of all endoscopy workforce across the north west.
Susan’s contribution to educational excellence within Advanced Practice was recognised with the Vice Chancellors Teaching and Learning Excellence Award for Individual Teaching Award 2017 and the Faculty recognition award 2019. Susan is seen as an innovating educator who strives to merge the clinical and educational arena to develop intra professional education, new ways of working and challenge traditional approaches to health care.

Annabella Gloster
Regional Faculty Lead for Advancing Practice
Annabella is a Registered Nurse qualifying in 1992, with experience of working as a Senior Nurse / Nurse practitioner in the Emergency Department across Greater Manchester prior to moving to the Higher Education Sector in 2005. She was a Senior Lecturer and programme lead for the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programmes at the University of Salford for 9 years and has collaborated at regional, national and international level in this area. Annabella is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Annabella is an active committee member of the International Council of Nurses Advanced Practice Nursing – Practice sub-group whose remit has included support and mentoring to countries developing Advanced Practice Nursing.
Annabella was Chair of the Association for Advanced Practice Educators (AAPE UK) and was involved at national level as a member of the HEE Advanced Clinical Practice Operational group and worked with the Royal College of Surgeons in developing a curriculum for Surgical ACPs. Annabella has represented AAPE on several other HEE ACP workstreams.
As the Regional Faculty Lead for Advancing Practice; Annabella will lead the faculty in promoting advanced practitioners as part of the workforce solutions that support service changes and will work with key internal and external stakeholders to identify demand, commission high quality education and training.
Annabella will be the conduit between the national Centre for Advancing Practice and the NW to coordinate all advanced practice activity and drive this agenda forward.
Contact: Annabella.Gloster@HEE.nhs.uk
Emma Davey
Emma came into palliative care early in her nursing career finding her love of the specialism whilst developing her skills and knowledge as a staff nurse at St Johns Hospice in Wirral. In 2003 Emma took up a Macmillan Palliative Care clinical nurse specialist post working into the community supporting the holistic needs of both cancer and patients with non-malignancies and their families, before moving to an acute nurse specialist post in a district general hospital for four years. Last year she made the move into tertiary care in a specialist centre and continues to further her professional development studying to compete her MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice. Emma has a passion for education and advance care planning (ACP) and teaches ACP and Advanced Communications skills locally and regionally.
Contact: emgdavey@gmail
Cheryl Grimes
Originally from Liverpool, I have worked at LJMU for 20 years. Prior to my transition to higher education, for 15 years I worked mainly within general medicine and Renal Care. I was a Specialist Renal nurse for the last 5 years of my clinical practice.
I teach and facilitate students across pre and post registration programs, from level 4 to level 7. I successfully run a level 5 pathophysiology module and level 6 pre-registration clinical module. I also have a level 6 renal care module and a level 7 collaborative minor injuries module. I am also joint module leader for a Pharmacy level 7 clinical skills module.
I am interested in all things Renal and all clinical skills development. I am a first Aider for LJMU and ILS instructor which i enjoy very much.
Student and staff wellbeing and learning has always been a priority. I am a personal tutor and staff coach, and at the moment a volunteer educator for the COVID 19 mass vaccination programme.
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Health
Manchester University, United Kingdom, MSc
Academic appointments:
Senior Lecturer, Nursing, Liverpool John Moores University, 1999 - present
Postgraduate training:
Post Graduate Diploma in Education, United Kingdom, Manchester University, - present
Contact: C.Grimes1@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr. Julie-Ann Hayes
Julie has worked at LJMU since 2004. She is a registered nurse with a clinical background in Intensive Care.
Julie’s academic background is Medical Law and Ethics. She teaches medical law and ethics across a number of programmes including the Advanced Practice MSc, MA nursing, BSc Nursing and Non-Medical Prescribing.
Julie completed her PhD in 2016 and her research involved fitness to practise and case study research design.
Julie is the Postgraduate Research Co-ordinator for the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice and is currently involved in developing a Professional Doctorate in Nursing and Advanced Practice. She as a keen interest in the doctoral experience and is currently working on the EDEPI project to increase NHS colleagues from ethnic minority backgrounds into Doctoral studies.
Contact: J.Nicholson@ljmu.ac.uk
Prof. Ian Jones
Ian is a senior cardiac nurse and academic with over 30 years clinical experience. He is a former President of the British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care, Council member of the British Cardiovascular Society and Nurse Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology.
Ian was instrumental in the development of the Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, a multi-disciplinary, multi stakeholder research organisation that is focussed on the pursuit of high quality cardiovascular related research. He has published widely in the field and completed a PhD focussing on the clinical outcomes of cardiac patients. He has successfully managed a large number of funded research projects that have focussed on the needs of cardiac patients and their carers, the end of life needs of heart failure patients and the users views of cardiac nurses.Ian is an internationally renowned academic who is regularly invited to present at numerous international conferences.
Contact: I.D.Jones@ljmu.ac.uk
Ewan Armitage
Ewan has been a paramedic for 17 years. He began his career in the ambulance service where he performed a number of different roles, initially as an ambulance paramedic then rapid response driver. He was a clinical sign-off mentor & became a Community Paramedic Officer in Staffordshire, where he was a member of the team which set up the Telemedicine service. He has sat on the College of Paramedics professional standards group and was formerly their higher education lead & head of endorsements. He moved back to the north west in 2016 as a Community Specialist Paramedic, a community based role which worked closely with primary care. He was responsible for developing alternative to transport options for ambulance crews, admission avoidance pathways, set up referral protocols to specialist community-based teams in south Cheshire and initiated a home visiting service for 5 GP practices. Ewan previously worked with the GP Forward View team in the north west & has hosted a webinar for the International Roundtable of Community paramedics.
Qualified as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in 2018 and after a short sabbatical working in A&E, returned to primary care where he has remained ever since. As an ACP, Ewan has delivered training for nursing/residential homes & is the lead role for this at his current practice. He has worked with a number of organisations for falls prevention, end of life care, substance misuse, winter health, first aid, cancer awareness and the NHS Choose Well campaign. .
Ewan has a written number of published papers as well as holding a joint honours undergraduate degree in Education & Contemporary European Studies, a post graduate diploma in Professional Education and a Masters degree in Human Resource Management and Advanced Clinical Practice, the latter of which he read for here at John Moores University. He is currently studying for a post graduate diploma in Diabetes Management and is a non-medical prescriber. An ARRS mentor for Health Education England, his main interests are clinical mentorship, advance care planning and community-based medicine.

Joanne qualified as a registered nurse from Kings College University London in 2005 and has clinical experience in cardiology, cardiothoracic intensive care, community nursing and general practice. Joanne became the nurse lead for diabetes, asthma and COPD, immunisations and cervical cytology. She also became a cytology training mentor for new smear takers in the Northwest and became the nurse manager of a team of practice nurses.
After completing an MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice and working as an advanced practitioner in primary care, Joanne moved into academia in 2018 and has taught on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including Adult Nursing, Return to Practice, Non-Medical Prescribing and Advanced Clinical Practice. Joanne joined the Advanced Practice team at Liverpool John Moores University in June 2021 and will be leading the Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship programme from September 2022. Joanne has experience of module leading clinical examination, diagnostics, pathophysiology, evidence-based practice and advanced healthcare practice theory.
After completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in 2019, Joanne was awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and is passionate about widening participation and promoting the development of a diverse advanced practice workforce.
2005, King's College London, United Kingdom, DipHE Adult Nursing
University of Chester, United Kingdom, MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
Academic appointments:
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health & Social Care, University of Chester, 2018 - 2021
Postgraduate training:
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, United Kingdom, University of Chester, 2019 – 2021
Contact: J.L.Fisher@ljmu.ac.uk
Chris Jones
Prior to his retirement in 2016, Chris Jones was a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Social Care at Edge Hill University. Since his retirement he has written numerous articles relating to the public health history of Liverpool as well as about key events in the history of nursing in the city. He has also written a history of the Walton Centre, the regional neuroscience hospital. As well as writing about history he has for many years conducted walks through the city centre outlining the problems public health faced in 19th century Liverpool. One walk was voted the 'best evening attraction at the RCN conference' two years on the run.

Misti Ollier
Current role: Senior lecturer in Advanced Practice at Liverpool John Moores University
- DipHE – Adult Nursing 2004
- MSc Advanced Practice – 2017
Misti began her nursing career in 2004 following successful completion of her DipHE in Adult nursing. She has been a qualified nurse for 17 years and has worked within the surgical and critical care field.
In 2015, Misti began her training as an advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) within surgery and qualified in 2017 after successfully completing her MSc in advanced practice. During this time, she cared for the general surgical patient and was a key player in the development of the surgical ambulatory care unit (SACU).
Misti continued to develop as an ANP and further develop the SACU until she moved into education in 2021.
Misti now works as a senior lecturer in advanced practice and has contributed towards the development of new modules on the MSc pathway, alongside teaching and supporting students on their journey into advanced practice.

Nick Worth
Regional Supervision and Assessments Lead for Advancing Practice
After qualifying as a Physiotherapist in 1993, Nick worked in Professional Football between 1995 and 2015. Clubs included West Bromwich Albion, Fulham and Bolton Wanderers as well as the England Under 21 team.
After working in the UAE with a Football Club, Nick was the Module Lead for Salford University's Masters in Trauma and Orthopaedics - Lower Limb, alongside Private Clinic work.
Nick is a Fellow of the Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine and Council member, having taught on their Foundation and Injection Therapy courses as well as teaching at Salford University on their Independent Prescribing course.
Nick is a Physiotherapy expert witness within elite sport and holds a Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness certificate.
Nick runs a Private Practice that specialises in Injection Therapy and Sports Injuries.
Career highlights include touring with U2 and supporting The Sport Relief Super Cycle in 2008.
For the past two and a half years, Nick has been the National Lead Clinician for Ascenti - a large Physiotherapy provider - supporting the Clinical Development of around 230 Physiotherapists, winning two National awards.
As the Supervision and Assessment lead; Nick will focus on the improvement of learner supervision, assessment and experience, and ensuring effective educational outcomes. Nick will focus on whole workforce transformation and developing multi-professional links as well as innovative ways of curriculum delivery and workforce well-being strategies.