Postgraduate Fairytale Ending
Postgraduate Fairytale Ending
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Find out how you can sponsor the European Conference on Behavioural Biology.
LCR 4.0 is seen as an exemplar project with regards to supporting the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies for SMEs in Liverpool City Region. LCR START is designed to offer a proactive business outreach focused around digital strategy for business approach.
Find out more information about how LLB Law students can work in the LAC through every stage of their degree to help develop their skills.
Find out more about Liverpool Business School's International Business Management and Strategy Research (IMBMS) Group, the purpose of the IBMS group is to bring together academics with interest in international business, management and strategy.
Liverpool Logistics Offshore and Marine Research Institute (LOOM) is a leading research unit in marine, offshore and transport studies. LOOM's research interests include: 3D-simulation of logistics movement, evolutionary algorithms and optimisation, formal Ship safety assessment, human and organisational error studies and logistics supply chain studies.
Get in touch with us to find out all that you need to know about Degree Apprenticeships at LJMU.
At the Liverpool Business School, we offer tailored CPD programmes and masterclasses designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies of your workforce.
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