Travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Fill out this form if you wish to contact an LJMU advisor.
Find out what you need to open a UK bank account as an EU student at LJMU, and explore the types of accounts available.
We created the wellbeing journal because we wanted you to have everything you need in one place to support you from both an academic and wellbeing perspective. Use your journal to plan your work and your self-care and to reflect on your student experience.
Find out what help is available if you have problems completing your assessment.
International Enrolment
Check out international student support.
Find out where you can park for graduation, plus public transport information to help you get to the ceremony.
Background and Description for James Joyce's 'Chamber Music', Dr Gerry Smyth's online learning resource based on Joyce's 36-lyric song sequence.
The Production Unit for Liverpool Screen School (PULSS) organises work opportunities for students from LJMU’s Liverpool Screen School. The work opportunities PULSS organise take many forms, from placements and live commercial projects through to extracurricular activities.