I wish to speak to the University Sexual Violence Liaison Advisor (SVLA)

LJMU works closely with local agencies Safe Place and RASA to provide support to students who have experienced an incidence of sexual violence. If you wish to report immediately, you can call Merseyside Police on 101. If you have just been assaulted, please dial 999.

What will happen

LJMU has a number of specially-trained staff within Student Advice and Wellbeing Services who can provide you with appropriate information and advice.

Once you have requested to speak to an Advisor, we will contact you as soon as possible between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you submit a request to speak to an Advisor outside of these hours, we will contact you as soon as possible after 9am the following working day.

If you require support outside of these hours, please contact Merseyside Police or Safe Place.

All information provided is treated in the strictest of confidence. Upon requesting to speak to an Advisor, a member of the team will contact you using the information provided and arrange a suitable time and venue to meet with you to discuss how the University can best support you at this time. You are able to bring a friend, family member or other advocate to this meeting, if you wish.

How LJMU can support you

LJMU can provide support in a number of ways. A specialist Advisor will discuss all of your options with you and assist you in making an informed choice about what support from LJMU you would like to access. This can include (but isn't limited to):

  • supporting you with any referral to Safe Place/Merseyside Police/RASA
  • outlining what will happen should you wish to make a formal complaint
  • liaising with your Programme Team to request any extensions or flexible deadlines as appropriate
  • safety planning including arrangements in student accommodation and on campus
  • informing your Programme Team of any relevant absences
  • advising regarding any financial support that might be necessary
  • attending any meetings or appointments with you as an advocate

This does not have to be your number but that of a friend or supporter. Please note we will contact you between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

Is there any particular time between 9am and 5pm when it would be best to contact you?

How we handle your data

We will use the information in this form to process and respond to your request and to comply with our legal obligations.

For further information as to how we handle your data, please see the  Information Compliance Privacy Notice.