Dr Michelle Laing
Member of the Board of Governors
Member of the Board of Governors
Many large employers are becoming more proactive to recruit candidates with disabilities, neurodiversity and long-term health conditions. Some run their own schemes targeting disabled applicants, while others work with specialist organisations that manage the recruitment process on their behalf.
Key information about how we govern our university, our charitable status, the governors of the University and information about LJMU’s framework of governance, including financial statements.
a calendar of news and events, including reviews and live performances, relating to Dr Gerry Smyth's album of songs based on the lyrics included in James Joyce's 'Chamber Music' (1907)
Learn more about the work our Finance department does within LJMU.
Obi Okeke was Third Mate for Elder Dempster Lines. In his interview, Obi talks about why he joined Elder Demspter Lines, about his time at the University of Southampton and what it was like on board in bad weather conditions.
Elder Dempster Lines was one of the UK’s largest shipping companies. As part of the Homeward Bound project, we’ve spoken to a number of Elder Dempster’s former employees and passengers, recording their ‘real’ stories and experiences. You can listen to their Elder Dempster stories here.
Alan Wigelsworth began working for Elder Dempster Lines aged 15. Alan joined the company as office boy. Listen to Alan's interview.
Prepare for post-grad life with Grad Academy, LJMU's premier transition program for 2023 and 2024 graduates. Unlock your future success now.
This is a free-access learning resource that is hosted by the School of Humanities and Social Science at Liverpool John Moores University, and is inspired by a new version of Chamber Music, a book of poems published by Joyce in 1907. These pages provide video commentary on both the poetic and musical aspects of Chamber Music, as well as video performances of all thirty-six of the newly composed versions.