Drama and Performance Research Group
Find out more about the past work and present projects carried out at the Drama and Performance Research Group, and learn about their unique expertise.
Find out more about the past work and present projects carried out at the Drama and Performance Research Group, and learn about their unique expertise.
At our Volunteering and Summer Opportunities Fair, we'll have charities, businesses and organisations from across the UK and overseas from various sectors. Some are looking for volunteers, others are offering paid summer opportunities, including Go Global schemes like Camp America.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women activists in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of their unique and inspirational lives.
Here at LJMU, we recognise that your service and time spent in the Armed Forces has provided you with a range of skills and attributes that will enable you to excel in your studies at university and to reach your potential as you take the next step into civilian life.
Liverpool Business School
While you are away, it is important to remember the requirements of your programme, including any paperwork or promotional activities. See a list of student requirements, and some important information on what to do if you need help abroad.
Department of Computer Science
Read the oration for Lord Hall on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
School of Psychology
Marginal Irish Modernisms