Effervescent Britons
Investigating mass tourism
Investigating mass tourism
Drones could contribute to saving endangered chimpanzees
LJMU wowed industry partners with its future homes research at the launch of a new £370,000 centre for construction skills.
Shadow Home Secretary makes case for Britain’s continued EU membership at Roscoe Lecture
Hundreds of students have gained a first-hand look at the extensive and important links the University has with high-profile companies across the sectors of engineering, technology and science.
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
Get some paid work experience at a local business working a real-life project that you can really get stuck into
Incentives for staff and students to travel sustainably are being put on the table to back the university's newly-approved Active and Sustainable Travel Plan.
The final round of Discovery Internships for this academic year is open for applications from second (level 5) and final year (level 6) students.
LJMU hosted a heat of the Historical Association’s Great Debate 2024 public speaking competition, welcoming four schools on to campus.