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  1. Founders' Day dinner to mark LJMU 200

    Distinguished guests and friends of the university were invited to a Founders’ Day dinner at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral yesterday evening, Thursday 6 July, to commemorate LJMU’s Bicentenary.

  2. Outreach programme takes pupils to London

    Local school children have visited University College London (UCL) as part of an LJMU widening access programme. Access All Areas is an initiative from LJMU’s Outreach team which arranged the first university exchange for year 11 pupils.

  3. Formula Student road to Silverstone explored in new 1823 Podcast

    In a special edition of the LJMU 1823 Podcast: The road to Silverstone, Dr Christian Matthews is joined by LJMU e-Racing Head of Team 2022, MSc student Cameron Reedy, and former Head of Team, Rhian Griffith, who now works as a mechanical engineer at the Small Robot Company.