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  1. Seminar series

    The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about these events.

  2. Careers – Astrophysics Research Institute

    Employers appreciate the dedication and hard work that a degree in physics entails. With a degree from the Astrophysics Research Institute there are career opportunities in research or teaching and the transferable skills means there are opportunities for working in a wide range of sectors.

  3. Outreach and Public Engagement

    The Astrophysics Research Institute provides exceptional educational and public outreach projects including the National Schools' Observatory, Spaceport, astronomy workshops for schools and more.

  4. Alcohol

    At the Public Health Institute we look into alchohol consumption and harm across a range of populations and environments. We take up original research and study established datasets to understand the impacts of alcohol on society.

  5. Drugs

    Public Health Institute provides insight into drug use. We support evidence based drugs policy through epidemiology, monitoring, evidence review, intervention evalution and research.

  6. International public health

    The Public Health Institute's expertise into international public health includes: maternal and reproductive health, the promotion of health, refugee health, violence prevention, drug abuse, and more. Find out more about this aspect of research.