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  1. Brain and Behaviour Research Group

    In the Brain and Behaviour Research Group within RISES, we study human motor behaviour from the neural level through to perception and cognition. Our two main areas of research are sensorimotor neuroscience and expert performance and learning.

  2. Diversity and Inclusion Champions

    The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Champions is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.

  3. Astrophysics Research Institute

    The Astrophysics Research Institute is one of the world's leading authorities in astronomy and astrophysics. Find out about our areas of expertise, our researchers, public engagement and educational programmes, and read through our publications.

  4. Process

    This project aims to create a universal definition of physical literacy in England to hopefully catalyse efforts to adopt, support and promote physical literacy in practice.

  5. Environment and sustainability

    At the Public Health Institute we provide advice to policymakers in consideration of the relationship between the environment and public health. Projects include: the use of parks, climate change, economic benefits of green infrastructure and evaluation of green projects for the community.