Phase one involved several steps:
1. Review of the existing evidence surrounding physical literacy
2. National consultation on physical literacy
This provided researchers, key stakeholders, and the wider community with the opportunity to comment on what physical literacy means to them or their organisation.
3. Insight with children and young people
This provided children and young people with the opportunity to share their perceptions of physical literacy.
4. Recruitment and selection of the expert panel members
Approximately sixty researchers, practitioners and professionals with significant expertise and experience in physical literacy and/or related concepts have agreed to work with us as part of a Physical Literacy Expert Panel.
The findings of steps 1-3 have been summarised in separate reports, and are informing the work of the Expert Panel.
The second phase of the consensus building process involved the work of the Expert Panel. The aim of the expert panel was to provide recommendations for and to finalise the physical literacy consensus statement text.
The consensus building process involved a modified Delphi methodological approach, which combines anonymous surveys with online and in person meetings.
The panel meetings provided a forum for individual panel members to engage in discussion around uncertainties to catalyse the process of finding consensus.
The draft consensus statement text was co-developed by the expert panel members at a one-day workshop in Birmingham on Wednesday 2 November 2022. The co-developed statement was subsequently reviewed by the panel members and a copywriter before the final draft consensus statement was approved by the panel for release for consultation in January 2023 (Phase three).
Phase three consisted of several steps:
1. Second national consultation on the draft physical literacy consensus statement text
A first draft of the physical literacy consensus statement text was opened for consultation from January 2023 to February 2023 to capture feedback from Sport England’s stakeholders and partners, the scientific community, and the public.
2. Webinars to share and discuss draft physical literacy consensus statement text with key stakeholders
As part of the consultation, members of the research team and Sport England hosted three webinars between January and February 2023 to provide an overview of the consensus statement and how the consensus statement was developed.
3. Summary report of national consultation feedback
The findings from the national consultation on the draft Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England project were summarised in a report for consideration by the expert panel.
In the final phase, the expert panel received the report containing the findings from the second national consultation.
The expert panel members subsequently attended a one-day co-development workshop in Birmingham in April 2023 to discuss the consultation findings and consider what changes, if any, should be made to the draft statement.
The co-development workshop was followed by a subsequent online survey to all expert panel members to finalise the consensus statement text. The final consensus statement was approved by the panel in July 2023 for subsequent dissemination.