Why choose the Liverpool Business School?
Here are just a few reasons why you should choose the Liverpool Business School.
Here are just a few reasons why you should choose the Liverpool Business School.
Find out more about reading and writing for wellbeing groups for both students and staff running throughout the academic year.
See the opening hours for the LJMU Sport Building.
For six years this faculty has been running a distance taught programme in Athens which straddles the two notions of distance and face to face teaching.
Heather Thrift is the Director of LJMU's Library Services Department.
The Engage, Educate and Enhance public engagement programme within the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences offers a range of activities and services. Find out more about some of our projects and expertise.
At LJMU we want everyone who studies here, works here and works with us, to feel respected, and to respect others. Find out more about this campaign.
From providing nutritional advice to sports teams to giving talks on health in the workplace for businesses, Graeme Close works with a wide range of organisations.
Explore LJMU's Faculty of Engineering and Technology through our virtual tour. Discover modern labs, workshops, and collaborative spaces.
Learn more about the diverse range of programmes and courses at the outstanding Faculty of Engineering and Technology.