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  1. CPD Practice Education for Paramedics

    This CPD course is designed to enable Paramedics working in a variety of settings to develop person-centred and reflective approaches to supporting and assessing learning in practice.

  2. Welcome to 2020 – Panopto quizzes

    There is a recent flipped learning case study on the University of Sussex TEL blog. Sussex have recently introduced Panopto and also use Canvas so you may find this interesting and useful.

  3. Dame Gillian Oliver

    Read the oration for Dame Gillian Oliver on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  4. Innovation support - LCR 4.0

    The dedicated LCR 4.0 team will help SMEs explore the potential of 4IR by providing a range of bespoke expert services around research & development, knowledge exchange and the acceleration of ideas from concept to commercialisation.

  5. Expertise – Institute for Health Research

    The Institute for Health Research's expertise is wide ranging. From cardiovascular health to image and performance enhancing drugs, and children's health to green spaces. Find out more about our interest groups.

  6. Stonewall

    In 2022, Liverpool John Moores University renewed their Diversity Champions membership, to ensure the continuation of our LGBTQI+ staff feeling free to be themselves and to continue the work to increase the feeling of belongingness.