Teacher Education and Development Research Group (TED)
Explore the The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education's research cluster into teacher education and development for schooling and learning improvement.
Explore the The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education's research cluster into teacher education and development for schooling and learning improvement.
Discover our huge range of continuing professional development courses in health and social care.
Find out more about education related courses including undergraduate and postgraduate routes into teaching (PGDE with QTS, School Direct).
The Machine Learning Research Group conducts applied and theoretical research. Our work includes computer-based decision support, sports analytics and computational marketing.
Dr Phil Carey is the Dean of The Teaching and Learning Academy.
Public Health Institute
Discover the career opportunities available to graduates of pharmacy and biomolecular sciences including working in community and hospital pharmacies and the pharmaceutical industry.
Find out more abut Career Development Programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff.
This CPD course will provide the skills and knowledge required to ensure safe and effective practice as an independent prescriber.
School of Psychology