Search the LJMU website

  1. Generalised anxiety/worry - staff wellbeing hub

    Many people worry and some would describe themselves as a worrier. Worrying can be normal but too much can cause distress and impact on our wellbeing, this page will highlight the key features of generalised anxiety and how to manage it.

  2. Company Information

    Find out information regarding the University's company number and/or charity number.

  3. LJMU Library

    Library spaces, resources and expertise dedicated to the needs of LJMU students, researchers, staff and external visitors.

  4. Legal statements – accommodation

    The data protection statement will clear up any enquiries you may have about how we use and pass on your personal details when it comes to accommodation applications.

  5. Dementia - staff wellbeing hub

    Dementia is a term used to describe a range of progressive neurological disorders. LJMU has been involved in the world of dementia care for many years and is an active member of the Liverpool Dementia Action Alliance.

  6. LJMU Together LGBTIQ+ Staff Network

    LJMU Together (LGBTIQ+) Staff Network supports the strategic aim of being a University where each person is respected equally and where diversity is embraced.

  7. Website updates

    Details about significant projects planned for the LJMU website.

  8. Student Information System

    The Student Information System is used for managing student information from the point of application to graduation.