Mr Lee Gilmore
Member of the Board of Governors
Member of the Board of Governors
Denis Kelly worked in the marketing department for Elder Dempster Lines. Find out more about Denis's experiences by listening to his interview.
Webrevolve is James Rowan's digtial agency. James worked with the Centre for Entreprenurship to start his business venture.
Vincent Scriven was a pantryman with Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to his interview.
As part of the Homeward Bound project we’ve collected 25 oral testimonies from Elder Dempster Line’s seafaring and office staff. Listen to the interviews.
a calendar of news and events, including reviews and live performances, relating to Dr Gerry Smyth's album of songs based on the lyrics included in James Joyce's 'Chamber Music' (1907)
Ken Birch was a Managing Director for Elder Dempster Lines. Ken had a family history of seafaring and had experience of the sea as a child after he and his family relocated to Southport because of the bombings in WWII. LIsten to Ken's interview.
Member of the Board of Governors and Employment Committee
Simulation-based educators should read this book, particularly those who are involved in designing programmes of training or who are responsible for designing the simulator environment and purchasing equipment.
Derek Bailey joined Elder Dempster Lines in 1957. In his interview, Derek recalls what it was like living on a ship with a wife and children at home. Derek also speaks about Elder Dempster Lines’ latter years.