Overview of our PRME commitment
LJMU are delighted to share Liverpool Business School’s first report (“Sharing Information on Progress”) as a signatory of the United Nations’ PRME initiative (Principles of Responsible Management Education).
LJMU are delighted to share Liverpool Business School’s first report (“Sharing Information on Progress”) as a signatory of the United Nations’ PRME initiative (Principles of Responsible Management Education).
Learn how LJMU supports the armed forces with dedicated services and access to educational opportunities.
Bas moved from Spain to study in Liverpool after friendship with the online gaming community brought him to the city. Since then, he has become an award-winning engineering student and is making a difference to the energy sector by creating ways to heat homes and buildings more efficiently.
Liverpool Screen School
Since joining the United Nations’ Principles of Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME) in 2020, the world entered an unprecedented time of volatility and uncertainty. Despite that, Liverpool Business School continued to grow all aspects of its portfolio, including our commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
As a large and diverse Business School, we engage in most of the Sustainable Development Goals, some with regional and international strength.
This interactive, searchable map of the world demonstrates internationally where staff in the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies at Liverpool John Moores University conduct their research.
Find out more about the history of the Liverpool College of Arts
The Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies is home to the School of Humanities and Social Science, Liverpool School of Art and Design, School of Education and the School of Justice Studies. Find out more about the Faculty's courses, research and staff here.
Get in touch with the Faces of Merseyside project via Face Lab.