Mohd Firdaus Maasar
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Within the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, we're looking to recruit participants for a study involving changes in thermal sensory function.
eDoc is the university’s online engagement and progression system which supports the doctoral journey, the policies and regulations that govern it and the common reference to progression stages.
Graduation registration: students must register to confirm their attendance at graduation.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
See the range of support we have to offer for transgender and non-binary students.
CPD course designed to enhance your effective leadership and team working skills through action learning.
To celebrate Earth Day we share some of the stories we've covered over the past year on the environment and the projects our staff and students are working on to try to turn things around.
CPD course that will develop your knowledge and competency in the area of health improvement.
Equality charter marks or “charters” enable organisations to apply for awards that recognise their commitment to and progression of, equality, diversity and inclusion related areas.